Winnipeg General Strike 1919-2019
The second round of the 1919 strike
5 minute read Wednesday, Jul. 3, 2019The Winnipeg forecast had predicted cool weather for July 1, 1919. But it turned out to be sunny and warm on Dominion Day — the first one to be celebrated since the end of the Great War on Nov. 11, 1918, as well as the conclusion of the six-week Winnipeg General Strike only five days earlier, which had torn the city apart.
“Throngs of happy holiday-makers,” as the Free Press described them, streamed into Assiniboine Park all day. Thousands, too, hopped streetcars and headed to River Park, then a popular destination in the South Osborne area along present-day Churchill Drive. The 10th Garrison band offered a musical program at the park. Many Winnipeggers boarded CN trains for a ride to Grand Beach and Winnipeg Beach to frolic on the shores of Lake Winnipeg.
Everything was apparently back to normal in the city. “Peace for the world was declared and Winnipeg had its own special peace,” a Free Press editorial declared. “The tension of weeks, the disturbing, dissatisfying atmosphere that had enveloped the civil body politic had disappeared and the community set itself to enjoy to the full the finest anniversary of Confederation the community has known for years.”
It was true the general strike had been called off and officially ended June 26 without the Central Strike Committee and its supporters achieving their main goals of collective bargaining, union recognition and higher wages. But there was, in fact, no “special peace” to be had in Winnipeg.
Winnipeg MB
-1°C, Cloudy with wind
Don’t romanticize the Winnipeg General Strike
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