
Paul Samyn Editor

Paul Samyn has been part of the Free Press newsroom for more than a quarter century, working his way up after starting as a rookie reporter in 1988.

Scott Gibbons Associate Editor Enterprise

Scott oversees long-term projects, the 49.8 weekend section and, since the fall of 2020, the Arts & Life team.

Stacey Thidrickson Associate editor, news

Stacey Thidrickson got a taste for journalism as a teenager when she got her first byline in the Selkirk Journal — the same newspaper that helped launch her career more than 20 years ago.

Erin Lebar

Erin Lebar Manager of audience engagement for news

Erin Lebar spends her time thinking of, and implementing, ways to improve the interaction and connection between the Free Press newsroom and its readership.

Wendy Sawatzky

Wendy Sawatzky Associate Editor Digital News

Wendy Sawatzky brought her twin passions for writing and technology to the Winnipeg Free Press in 2008. She's currently the paper's associate editor for digital news.


Shane Minkin Business Editor; Managing Editor, production

Born with ink in his veins at the old Misericordia Hospital, Shane's been at the Free Press long enough to remember when the paper was delivered by actual paperboys (and girls) in the afternoon.

Gabrielle Piché Reporter

Gabby is a big fan of people, writing and learning. She graduated from Red River College’s Creative Communications program in the spring of 2020.

Martin Cash

Martin Cash Reporter

Martin Cash has been writing a column and business news at the Free Press since 1989. Over those years he’s written through a number of business cycles and the rise and fall (and rise) in fortunes of many local businesses.


Stacey Thidrickson Associate editor, news

Stacey Thidrickson got a taste for journalism as a teenager when she got her first byline in the Selkirk Journal — the same newspaper that helped launch her career more than 20 years ago.

Carol Sanders

Carol Sanders Legislature reporter

After 20 years of reporting on the growing diversity of people calling Manitoba home, Carol moved to the legislature bureau in early 2020.

Chris Kitching Reporter

As a general assignment reporter, Chris covers a little bit of everything for the Free Press.

Dan Lett

Dan Lett Columnist

Born and raised in and around Toronto, Dan Lett came to Winnipeg in 1986, less than a year out of journalism school with a lifelong dream to be a newspaper reporter.

Danielle Da Silva Reporter

Danielle Da Silva is a general assignment reporter.

Dean Pritchard Courts reporter

Someone once said a journalist is just a reporter in a good suit. Dean Pritchard doesn’t own a good suit. But he knows a good lawsuit.


Erik Pindera Reporter

Erik Pindera reports for the city desk, with a particular focus on crime and justice.

Joyanne Pursaga Reporter

Born and raised in Winnipeg, Joyanne loves to tell the stories of this city, especially when politics is involved. Joyanne became the city hall reporter for the Winnipeg Free Press in early 2020.

Julia-Simone Rutgers Reporter

Julia-Simone Rutgers is a climate reporter with a focus on environmental issues in Manitoba. Her position is part of a three-year partnership between the Winnipeg Free Press and The Narwhal, funded by the Winnipeg Foundation.

Katie May Reporter

Katie May is a general-assignment reporter for the Free Press.

Katrina Clarke Reporter

Katrina Clarke is an investigative reporter with the Winnipeg Free Press.

Kevin Rollason

Kevin Rollason Reporter

Kevin Rollason is one of the more versatile reporters at the Winnipeg Free Press. Whether it is covering city hall, the law courts, or general reporting, Rollason can be counted on to not only answer the 5 Ws — Who, What, When, Where and Why — but to do it in an interesting and accessible way for readers.

Maggie Macintosh Reporter

Maggie Macintosh reports on education for the Winnipeg Free Press. Funding for the Free Press education reporter comes from the Government of Canada through the Local Journalism Initiative.

Malak Abas Reporter

Malak Abas is a reporter for the Winnipeg Free Press.

Melissa Martin Reporter-at-large

Melissa Martin reports and opines for the Winnipeg Free Press.

Niigaan Sinclair Columnist

Niigaan Sinclair is Anishinaabe and is a columnist at the Winnipeg Free Press.

Ryan Thorpe Reporter

Ryan Thorpe likes the pace of daily news, the feeling of a broadsheet in his hands and the stress of never-ending deadlines hanging over his head.

Shelley Cook Columnist, Manager of Reader Bridge project

Shelley is a born and raised Winnipegger. She is a proud member of the Brokenhead Ojibway Nation.

Tom Brodbeck Columnist

Tom has been covering Manitoba politics since the early 1990s and joined the Winnipeg Free Press news team in 2019.


Brad Oswald

Brad Oswald Perspectives editor

After three decades spent writing stories, columns and opinion pieces about television, comedy and other pop-culture topics in the paper’s entertainment section, Brad Oswald shifted his focus to the deep-thoughts portion of the Free Press’s daily operation.

Carl DeGurse Senior copy editor

Carl DeGurse’s role at the Free Press is a matter of opinion. A lot of opinions.

Arts and Life

Scott Gibbons Associate Editor Enterprise

Scott oversees long-term projects, the 49.8 weekend section and, since the fall of 2020, the Arts & Life team.

Alan Small Reporter

Alan Small has been a journalist at the Free Press for more than 22 years in a variety of roles, the latest being a reporter in the Arts and Life section.

AV Kitching Reporter

AV Kitching is an arts and life writer at the Free Press.

Ben MacPhee-Sigurdson

Ben Sigurdson Literary editor, drinks writer

Ben Sigurdson edits the Free Press books section, and also writes about wine, beer and spirits.

Ben Waldman Reporter

Ben Waldman covers a little bit of everything for the Free Press.

Eva Wasney Arts Reporter

Eva Wasney is a reporter for the Winnipeg Free Press.

Jen Zoratti

Jen Zoratti Columnist

Jen Zoratti is a Winnipeg Free Press columnist and author of the newsletter, NEXT, a weekly look towards a post-pandemic future.

Jill Wilson Senior copy editor

Jill Wilson writes about culture and the culinary arts for the Arts & Life section.

Maureen Scurfield Advice columnist

Maureen Scurfield writes the Miss Lonelyhearts advice column.

Photos & Graphics

Mike Aporius Director of Photography/Multimedia

Mike Aporius directs the Winnipeg Free Press' team of photojournalists.

Jessica Lee Photojournalist

After freelancing from abroad and in Toronto for most of her career, Jessica Lee moved to Winnipeg from Toronto in 2021 to join the Free Press.

John Woods Photojournalist

Kittie Wong

Kittie Wong Page designer

Kittie Wong wears three different hats for the Winnipeg Free Press editorial department: page designer, picture editor and web editor.

Mikaela MacKenzie Photojournalist

Mikaela MacKenzie loves meeting people, experiencing new things, and learning something every day. That's what drove her to pursue a career as a visual journalist — photographers get a hands-on, boots-on-the-ground look at the world.

Mike Deal Photojournalist

Mike Deal started freelancing for the Winnipeg Free Press in 1997. Three years later, he landed a part-time job as a night photo desk editor.

Ruth Bonneville Photojournalist

As the first female photographer hired by the Winnipeg Free Press, Ruth has been an inspiration and a mentor to other women in the male-dominated field of photojournalism for over two decades.


Jason Bell Sports editor

Jason Bell wanted to be a lawyer when he was a kid. The movie The Paper Chase got him hooked on the idea of law school and, possibly, falling in love with someone exactly like Lindsay Wagner (before she went all bionic).

Jeff Hamilton

Jeff Hamilton Multimedia producer

After a slew of injuries playing hockey that included breaks to the wrist, arm, and collar bone; a tear of the medial collateral ligament in both knees; as well as a collapsed lung, Jeff figured it was a good idea to take his interest in sports off the ice and in to the classroom.

Joshua Frey-Sam Reporter

Joshua Frey-Sam happily welcomes a spirited sports debate any day of the week.

Mike McIntyre Sports columnist

Mike McIntyre grew up wanting to be a professional wrestler. But when that dream fizzled, he put all his brawn into becoming a professional writer.

Mike Sawatzky Reporter

Mike has been working on the Free Press sports desk since 2003.

Taylor Allen Reporter

Eighteen years old and still in high school, Taylor got his start with the Free Press on June 1, 2011. Well, sort of...

Specialty Products

Kelly Taylor

Kelly Taylor Copy Editor, Autos Reporter

Kelly Taylor is a Winnipeg Free Press copy editor and award-winning automotive journalist. He's been a member of the Automobile Journalists' Association of Canada since 2001.

Willy Williamson Travel/Homes/Autos Editor

Paul “Willy” Williamson joined the Free Press editorial team in 2007, turning his back on a career as a corrections officer. His motor has been running non-stop ever since.