Free Press Community Review: East

East Winnipeg news in brief for Jan. 11, 2023

Staff reporter 2 minute read Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

Transcona Food Security Network meeting on Jan. 12


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Fulfill your earning potential in 2023

Christine Ibbotson 4 minute read Preview

Fulfill your earning potential in 2023

Christine Ibbotson 4 minute read Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

Dear Money Lady readers,

Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023


You can earn whatever you want in your lifetime, but you first must increase your productivity, your performance and create a decisive, goal-setting plan.

                                You can earn whatever you want in your lifetime, but you first must increase your productivity, your performance and create a decisive, goal-setting plan.

Remembering those we lost in 2022

T. Kent Morgan 4 minute read Preview

Remembering those we lost in 2022

T. Kent Morgan 4 minute read Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

To begin the new year, Memories of Sport wants to remember the sports athletes, builders, officials and volunteers who died during 2022. The best place to start is with individuals who were inducted into the Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame, with their year of induction noted, as well as the members of teams honoured by the Hall.

Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

Winnipeg Free Press file photo

Defenceman Scott Campbell (left) and coach Larry Hillman (centre), pictured here with Terry Ruskowski, were both members of the WHA’s Winnipeg Jets in 1978.

Winnipeg Free Press file photo
                                Defenceman Scott Campbell (left) and coach Larry Hillman (centre), pictured here with Terry Ruskowski, were both members of the WHA’s Winnipeg Jets in 1978.

When Jerry’s good, he’s very, very good…

Manitoba Mutts 2 minute read Preview

When Jerry’s good, he’s very, very good…

Manitoba Mutts 2 minute read Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

Manitoba Mutts Dog Rescue is a 100-per-cent, foster-home based, not-for-profit, charitable rescue with a mission to relieve animals in distress and animal suffering from overpopulation and/or abandonment, provide for the care, maintenance and rehabilitation of stray, abandoned and displaced animals in Manitoba and be a leader on matters that promote and improve the welfare of all animals through enhancement, protection, care and education.

Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

Supplied photo

Meet Jerry.

Supplied photo
                                Meet Jerry.

Addressing homelessness in Winnipeg

Markus Chambers 3 minute read Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

I wish to start by wishing everyone the very best of the holiday season, hoping that 2023 brings much happiness, health, prosperity.

Palmquist named Save Our Seine’s managing director

Simon Fuller STAFF REPORTER 3 minute read Preview

Palmquist named Save Our Seine’s managing director

Simon Fuller STAFF REPORTER 3 minute read Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

Ryan Palmquist has high hopes for 2023.

Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

Supplied photo by Meghan Waters

Ryan Palmquist is the new managing director of Save Our Seine.

Supplied photo by Meghan Waters
                                Ryan Palmquist is the new managing director of Save Our Seine.

Upcoming cre8ery gallery exhibition set to feature 76 member artists

Staff reporter 2 minute read Preview

Upcoming cre8ery gallery exhibition set to feature 76 member artists

Staff reporter 2 minute read Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

There will be a bit of everything for visitors to cre8ery gallery to enjoy later this month.

Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

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Delicious Vortex, a piece by local artist Pink Panda, is pictured here. Pink Panda is one of 76 member artists who will be part of cre8ery gallery’s upcoming exhibition called Odds n’ Ends: the Everything Show, which will be held from Jan. 14 to 28.

Supplied image
                                Delicious Vortex, a piece by local artist Pink Panda, is pictured here. Pink Panda is one of 76 member artists who will be part of cre8ery gallery’s upcoming exhibition called Odds n’ Ends: the Everything Show, which will be held from Jan. 14 to 28.

Take a bite out of winter

Simon Fuller STAFF REPORTER 4 minute read Preview

Take a bite out of winter

Simon Fuller STAFF REPORTER 4 minute read Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

It’s fair to say that one landmark local winter event has a bit of bite.

Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

Supplied photo courtesy of Riverview Community Centre

Frost Bite River Run race director Dennis Cunningham, pictured here in the centre in this file photo, said it’s a great community event.

Supplied photo courtesy of Riverview Community Centre
                                Frost Bite River Run race director Dennis Cunningham, pictured here in the centre in this file photo, said it’s a great community event.

Making the most of mixed-use development

Ryan Palmquist 3 minute read Preview

Making the most of mixed-use development

Ryan Palmquist 3 minute read Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

A new mixed-use development has risen on St Anne’s Road, holding promise for the future and quality of the urban pedestrian streetscape.

Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

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Alia Place, at 175 St. Anne’s Rd., is a new, mixed-used building offering both residential and commercial space.

Supplied photo
                                Alia Place, at 175 St. Anne’s Rd., is a new, mixed-used building offering both residential and commercial space.

What kind of city do you want to see?

Matt Allard 3 minute read Preview

What kind of city do you want to see?

Matt Allard 3 minute read Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

At city hall we are now a couple of months into a new council and, at the same time, the start of a new year.

Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

Winnipeg Free Press file photo

Assiniboine Avenue was part of the popular Open Streets program in 2021.

Winnipeg Free Press file photo
                                Assiniboine Avenue was part of the popular Open Streets program in 2021.

Secret surprises of Melbourne, Australia

RoseAnna Schick 3 minute read Preview

Secret surprises of Melbourne, Australia

RoseAnna Schick 3 minute read Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

There’s a saying in the city of Melbourne that’s popular among locals: “If you hide it, they will come.”

Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023


The Block Arcade is a heritage shopping arcade and laneway in the heart of Melbourne’s central business district.

                                The Block Arcade is a heritage shopping arcade and laneway in the heart of Melbourne’s central business district.

Ramblin’ with… Stacie Rasmussen

Weldon Rinn 3 minute read Preview

Ramblin’ with… Stacie Rasmussen

Weldon Rinn 3 minute read Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

As a follow-up to a column I wrote last fall on Rasta Lady Cannabis Shop, I did an interview with Stacie Rasmussen, district manager of four cannabis shops in south-central Manitoba — Rural Buds in Carman, Rural Buds in St. Pierre, Rural Buds in St. Adolphe and Rasta Lady in Morris.

Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

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Stacie Rasmussen (second from right) and others celebrated the opening of Rural Buds in St. Adolphe in July 2022.

Supplied photo
                                Stacie Rasmussen (second from right) and others celebrated the opening of Rural Buds in St. Adolphe in July 2022.

Connecting the dots at LRSD ATC

Adriano Magnifico 3 minute read Preview

Connecting the dots at LRSD ATC

Adriano Magnifico 3 minute read Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

Steve Jobs’ infamous 2005 Stanford commencement address included this curious line: “You can’t connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backward.”

Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

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Alexandre Lambert shoots the Festival théâtre jeunesse at the Centre-culturel franco-manitobain as part of his broadcast media program studies at LRSD’s Arts and Technology Centre.

Supplied photo 
                                Alexandre Lambert shoots the Festival théâtre jeunesse at the Centre-culturel franco-manitobain as part of his broadcast media program studies at LRSD’s Arts and Technology Centre.

Achieving a personal goal

Andrea Geary 3 minute read Preview

Achieving a personal goal

Andrea Geary 3 minute read Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

St. Vital resident Shannon Savory recently crossed an item off her bucket list of lifetime goals when she self-published her first children’s book, We’ll Always Share the Moon.

Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

Photo by Andrea Geary

Shannon Savory said it took her 11 years to finish her first children’s book, but now she has five more on the go.

Photo by Andrea Geary
                                Shannon Savory said it took her 11 years to finish her first children’s book, but now she has five more on the go.

Shakespeare in the Ruins celebrates 30 years

Cody Sellar STAFF REPORTER 3 minute read Preview

Shakespeare in the Ruins celebrates 30 years

Cody Sellar STAFF REPORTER 3 minute read Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023

Shakespeare wrote that all the world’s a stage, and for 30 years, Shakespeare in the Ruins theatre company has been taking that literally.

Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023

Supplied photo by Ann Baggley

Shakespeare in the Ruins artistic director Rodrigo Beilfuss says the company has brought something special to Winnipeg for 30 years.

Supplied photo by Ann Baggley
                                Shakespeare in the Ruins artistic director Rodrigo Beilfuss says the company has brought something special to Winnipeg for 30 years.

Bell appointed to Order of Canada

Sheldon Birnie STAFF REPORTER 3 minute read Preview

Bell appointed to Order of Canada

Sheldon Birnie STAFF REPORTER 3 minute read Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023

A well-known local singer-songwriter has been appointed to the Order of Canada.

Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023

Jordan Ross / The Carillon

North Kildonan musician Steve Bell, pictured here performing recently in Steinbach, Man., has been appointed a member of the Order of Canada.

Jordan Ross / The Carillon
                                North Kildonan musician Steve Bell, pictured here performing recently in Steinbach, Man., has been appointed a member of the Order of Canada.