Fringe Show Reviews

Saturday Fringe attendance breaks 10,000 barrier

1 minute read Monday, Jul. 22, 2013

Ticketed attendance through the first weekend of the Winnipeg Fringe Festival is better than last year’s record pace.

After five days, 39,325 people have seen indoor shows as compared to 39,079 over the same period in 2012, festival organizers reported today.

The main reason was the huge turnout Saturday, when tickets sales were 10,205, the first time the 10,000-ticket barrier has been surpassed. Sunday’s attendance was 9,103.

There have been 59 sellouts so far and 300 people take the free Fringe Flyer shuttle bus every night, organizers said.


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The Brain From Planet X

by David Wechter, Music & Lyrics by Bruce Kimmel 2 minute read Preview

The Brain From Planet X

by David Wechter, Music & Lyrics by Bruce Kimmel 2 minute read Saturday, Jul. 16, 2011

This 90-minute musical spoof hits all the ’50s sci-fi clichés.

Saturday, Jul. 16, 2011

The Brain From Planet x


Nova Dance Collective 2 minute read Preview


Nova Dance Collective 2 minute read Saturday, Jul. 16, 2011

There’s a bumper crop of local contemporary dance at this year’s fringe. Fresh is less accessible than Shades at the same venue, is performed by senior students rather than grads of the School of Contemporary Dancers, and is self-choreographed by its seven performers, while Shades has professional choreography.

Saturday, Jul. 16, 2011


Zack Adams: Love Songs For Future Girl

Shane Adamczak 2 minute read Preview

Zack Adams: Love Songs For Future Girl

Shane Adamczak 2 minute read Sunday, Jul. 17, 2011

Boy meets girl. Girl dumps boy. Boy, being a musician, mines the misery for material and write songs for the all the girls he loved before — starting in primary school.

Sunday, Jul. 17, 2011

Written in Hot Pink Lipstick and a Lady’s Tears

by Patty Cochrane 2 minute read Preview

Written in Hot Pink Lipstick and a Lady’s Tears

by Patty Cochrane 2 minute read Friday, Jul. 15, 2011

Told through letters and flashback/dream sequences, Written in Hot Pink Lipstick… is a love story between two women, spanning 50 years.

Friday, Jul. 15, 2011

Zanna, Don’t!

Tim Acito 2 minute read Preview

Zanna, Don’t!

Tim Acito 2 minute read Saturday, Jul. 16, 2011

What would high school be like in a gay universe where being straight was taboo?

Saturday, Jul. 16, 2011

Wildwood Park

by Doug Wright 2 minute read Preview

Wildwood Park

by Doug Wright 2 minute read Monday, Jul. 18, 2011

Performed on a bare stage with no props, this two-person psychological thriller still manages to deliver the key ingredients critical to the genre: anticipation and slow dread. You know the horror is coming, so you keep watching for those first little cracks to appear.

Monday, Jul. 18, 2011

Why Me?

by Fred Heinrichs 2 minute read Preview

Why Me?

by Fred Heinrichs 2 minute read Sunday, Jul. 17, 2011

Old fart Fred Heinrichs has had his share of trouble with the department of motor vehicles and Autopac. Throughout a career as a courier and a taxi driver, he’s been hauled in for retesting multiple times, had his licence suspended for speeding too often and battled Autopac over payouts. This is his account of an eventful life as a good driver hassled by bad government.

Sunday, Jul. 17, 2011

Whiskey Bars

by Bremner Duthie, songs by Kurt Weill 2 minute read Preview

Whiskey Bars

by Bremner Duthie, songs by Kurt Weill 2 minute read Friday, Jul. 15, 2011

A dingy dressing room is the stage for this musical drama written by and featuring singer/actor Bremner Duthie, out of Paris, France. He plays a cabaret performer, trying to revive a failing career in a fading genre, hoping to persuade a theatre critic to like his show well enough to give him the “one pullable quote” he can use to re-launch his career.

Friday, Jul. 15, 2011

The Wet Dream Catcher

by Randy Jacobs aka RC Weslowski 2 minute read Preview

The Wet Dream Catcher

by Randy Jacobs aka RC Weslowski 2 minute read Thursday, Jul. 14, 2011

The title and plot description of The Wet Dream Catcher are far more intriguing than anything you will hear during the hour of surreal silliness performed by Vancouver spoken-word artist RC Weslowski.

Thursday, Jul. 14, 2011

Under the Nose: Memoirs of a Clown

by Sue Proctor 2 minute read Preview

Under the Nose: Memoirs of a Clown

by Sue Proctor 2 minute read Sunday, Jul. 17, 2011

An older woman (Sue Proctor) reminisces about her various jobs as a clown, while a younger woman in classic clownface (Christine Bellerose) sits nearby, eagerly taking in her story.

Sunday, Jul. 17, 2011

Killing Nellie

Oda Aunan & Mark Storen 2 minute read Preview

Killing Nellie

Oda Aunan & Mark Storen 2 minute read Friday, Jul. 15, 2011

Two folk singers, a be-hatted guitar player from Australia (Mark Storen) and his sexpot Norwegian wife (Oda Aunan), are stuck in a toxic relationship and have to get through their set.

Friday, Jul. 15, 2011

Kyle’s Pile

Jason T. Broadfoot 2 minute read Preview

Kyle’s Pile

Jason T. Broadfoot 2 minute read Saturday, Jul. 16, 2011

In a post-Shrek world, pop-culture references for adults reign supreme in children’s entertainment. How this has affected its quality is debatable although Kyle’s Pile is more evidence it’s not a good thing.

Saturday, Jul. 16, 2011

The Last Gig of Lenny Breau

Colin Godbout 2 minute read Preview

The Last Gig of Lenny Breau

Colin Godbout 2 minute read Thursday, Jul. 14, 2011

If only Colin Godbout’s fingers were as adept at writing a musical biography of Lenny Breau as they are showing off his velvet touch on a six-string guitar.

Thursday, Jul. 14, 2011

The Last Goddamned Performance Piece

Jayson McDonald 2 minute read Preview

The Last Goddamned Performance Piece

Jayson McDonald 2 minute read Thursday, Jul. 14, 2011

Sky and Rain are the last two actors standing when the rest of their 11-member performance art troupe bail out just prior to their performance. The pair gamely try to live up to the adage “the show must go on” but the loss of the other players forces them to come to terms with their own failing relationship in front of the audience.

Thursday, Jul. 14, 2011

Law & Order: Nursery Rhyme Unit

Jim and Jane Jeffries 2 minute read Preview

Law & Order: Nursery Rhyme Unit

Jim and Jane Jeffries 2 minute read Saturday, Jul. 16, 2011

You have to give this large-cast comedy (14 actors playing 23 characters) points for trying. It’s not every day a show that attempts to mix the very verbal and adult police procedural genre with nursery-rhyme characters. Possibly because the two just don’t mix.

Saturday, Jul. 16, 2011