Class of 2017
Reliving emotions with the Class of ’17
7 minute read Saturday, Jul. 8, 2017On a hot, sunny day in the middle of June, I walked out the front doors of Glenlawn Collegiate Institute in St. Vital for what was likely the final time.
I had just wrapped up the final interviews with members of the Class of 2017, a remarkable group of kids whose progress the Free Press has been chronicling since snack time in kindergarten to graduation gowns at the end of Grade 12.
What with being a guy of my particular gender, I am not good at expressing my innermost feelings. But at that precise moment, my emotional state would best be described as bittersweet.
“I guess that’s it,” I thought to myself as I walked to my car. “I will probably never get a chance to talk to these kids again.”
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Farewell to the Class of 2017
38 minute read Preview Friday, Jul. 7, 2017Those are ‘my’ kids, and I watched them grow up
5 minute read Preview Friday, Jul. 7, 2017Class of 2017 through the years
1 minute read Preview Wednesday, Jul. 5, 2017The class of 2017 prepares for life after graduation
27 minute read Preview Monday, Jun. 20, 2016Class of 2017 gains confidence, finds niches and grapples with death
21 minute read Preview Tuesday, Jun. 30, 2015Class of 2017 not only survived, but thrived in first year of high school
15 minute read Preview Tuesday, Jul. 4, 2017The bittersweet grad: Here comes high school
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8 minute read Preview Saturday, Nov. 26, 2011End of Grade 6: Doors are opening...dare we walk through?
9 minute read Preview Saturday, Jul. 16, 2011Grade 6: Twilight of the age of innocence
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8 minute read Preview Saturday, Apr. 3, 2010Our fourth-graders learn it can be hard to say goodbye
7 minute read Preview Sunday, Jul. 5, 2009Checking in, halfway through Grade 4
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