
Big Sky Run Co. rooted in social aspect of running

Gabrielle Piché 4 minute read Friday, Jan. 13, 2023

Leading an adult running group is not the same as shepherding middle schoolers through a field trip.


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We all pay for grocery theft with raised prices

Sylvain Charlebois 4 minute read Friday, Jan. 13, 2023

GROCERY theft has always been a major problem, but with food inflation as it is, shopkeepers now fear the wrongdoers more than before.

Incremental approach could help with hoarding

Maureen Scurfield Miss Lonelyhearts 4 minute read Friday, Jan. 13, 2023

DEAR MISS LONELYHEARTS: My mother has always been a pack rat, and it’s getting much worse! I’ve seen TV shows on hoarding, and I know her habit has gotten way out of control. Our great big old house is cluttered with piles of old newspapers, broken appliances, books, and old “antique” furniture, crowded into every room. Plus. she has piles of other junk she’s collected that’s “too valuable to throw out.”

Letters, Jan. 13

7 minute read Preview

Letters, Jan. 13

7 minute read Friday, Jan. 13, 2023

Walk in another’s shoes

Friday, Jan. 13, 2023


Of his legacy, the archbishop of Winnipeg Richard Gagnon said Pope Benedict XVI “has contributed much to the church as a theologian and a thinker. His contributions will last a very long time.”

                                Of his legacy, the archbishop of Winnipeg Richard Gagnon said Pope Benedict XVI “has contributed much to the church as a theologian and a thinker. His contributions will last a very long time.”

Stefanson begins new year sporting denial-coloured glasses

By Tom Brodbeck 4 minute read Preview

Stefanson begins new year sporting denial-coloured glasses

By Tom Brodbeck 4 minute read Thursday, Jan. 12, 2023

If Premier Heather Stefanson’s sit-down interviews with local reporters this week were designed to turn public opinion around, less than nine months before a scheduled Oct. 3 election, they flopped.

Thursday, Jan. 12, 2023


Premier Heather Stefanson did a series of “year-end” interviews with several media outlets, including the Free Press, after illness and a family trip to Florida prevented her from doing them at the end of December.

                                Premier Heather Stefanson did a series of “year-end” interviews with several media outlets, including the Free Press, after illness and a family trip to Florida prevented her from doing them at the end of December.

A bit of sweet reassurance can ease ‘crowding’

Maureen Scurfield 4 minute read Thursday, Jan. 12, 2023

DEAR MISS LONELYHEARTS: I’ve always been a very private person, valuing my personal space and autonomy. But I recently got married to someone. She’s my complete opposite — a lovable, easygoing chatterbox, or so I thought.

Millennium Library blueprint must balance safety, accessibility

Dan Lett 5 minute read Preview

Millennium Library blueprint must balance safety, accessibility

Dan Lett 5 minute read Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

Before Christmas, in the wake of the horrific stabbing death on the main floor of the Millennium Library, city officials estimated the flagship facility would reopen by mid-January.

Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

The need to reopen the library is pressing. There are a lot of people, most of them residents of the downtown, who rely on the Millennium for many things other than books. (Daniel Crump / Winnipeg Free Press Files)

The need to reopen the library is pressing. There are a lot of people, most of them residents of the downtown, who rely on the Millennium for many things other than books. (Daniel Crump / Winnipeg Free Press Files)

Simply put, a shocking disclosure

Gwynne Dyer 5 minute read Preview

Simply put, a shocking disclosure

Gwynne Dyer 5 minute read Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

Where do you look when somebody says, “In the age of Apaches and laptops, everything I did in the course of two combat tours was recorded, time-stamped. I could always say precisely how many enemy combatants I’d killed. And I felt it vital never to shy away from that number.

Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

Dominic Lipinski/Pool via AP

Prince Harry’s tell-all biography, which was released Tuesday, includes descriptions of events during his military service that some have described as distasteful.

Dominic Lipinski/Pool via AP
                                Prince Harry’s tell-all biography, which was released Tuesday, includes descriptions of events during his military service that some have described as distasteful.

New-year card conundrum calls for tact

Maureen Scurfield 4 minute read Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023

DEAR MISS LONELYHEARTS: I looked in the mailbox right after New Year’s — it’s usually just bills — and there was a big envelope with sparkles all over it. I pulled it out and tore it open. The only writing on the card said “Happy New Year!” and was signed “Guess Who?” It could only be one of two women. Now what should I do? I could phone them and go on a fishing expedition, but there’s one I don’t want to see again, because she’s trouble. She’s definitely dramatic enough to have done this!

Poilievre won’t allow facts to get in the way of some fiery rhetoric

Tom Brodbeck 4 minute read Preview

Poilievre won’t allow facts to get in the way of some fiery rhetoric

Tom Brodbeck 4 minute read Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023

Pierre Poilievre’s crusade against Canadian institutions knows no bounds, whether it’s the Bank of Canada, public-health departments, the judiciary or the news media.

Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023

Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre has thrown his support behind Jordan Peterson. (Justin Tang / The Canadian Press files)

Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre has thrown his support behind Jordan Peterson. (Justin Tang / The Canadian Press files)

Departing MLAs are not ‘ship-jumpers’

Deveryn Ross 4 minute read Preview

Departing MLAs are not ‘ship-jumpers’

Deveryn Ross 4 minute read Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023

Over the past week, there has been a great deal of discussion in the Manitoba media about Progressive Conservative MLAs announcing they won’t be seeking re-election in the upcoming provincial election. A new announcement almost each day has created a perception that PC caucus members are running for the doors.

Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023

Deputy Premier Cliff Cullen, who represents the southwestern Manitoba riding of Spruce Woods, is one of 10 Progressive Conservative MLAs (as of early Monday) who will not seek re-election in this fall’s provincial election. (Jessica Lee / Winnipeg Free Press files)

Deputy Premier Cliff Cullen, who represents the southwestern Manitoba riding of Spruce Woods, is one of 10 Progressive Conservative MLAs (as of early Monday) who will not seek re-election in this fall’s provincial election. (Jessica Lee / Winnipeg Free Press files)

Parents dragging you into feud helps no one

Maureen Scurfield 4 minute read Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023

DEAR MISS LONELYHEARTS: My mom and dad have been “on the outs” since Christmas, but it’s a big-time conflict now. I don’t know exactly what’s happened, as they have conflicting stories — but my dad is staying at his brother’s place right now.

Prime minister and Conservative leader are a political match made in hell

Dan Lett 5 minute read Preview

Prime minister and Conservative leader are a political match made in hell

Dan Lett 5 minute read Monday, Jan. 9, 2023

Underlying all the hyperbole and venomous trash talking exchanged by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, there is a surprising yet inescapable truth.

Monday, Jan. 9, 2023

Nothing phoney about these Jets

Mike McIntyre 7 minute read Preview

Nothing phoney about these Jets

Mike McIntyre 7 minute read Monday, Jan. 9, 2023

DETROIT — You can’t fake your way through half a hockey season. A few games, sure. Maybe even a few weeks. But not this long. And that’s why I’m comfortable declaring that the Winnipeg Jets, who will officially hit that midway mark here in Motown Tuesday, are very much the real deal.

Monday, Jan. 9, 2023

Winnipeg Jets head coach Rick Bowness has the team off to its best start since the club relocated to Winnipeg in 2011. (John Woods / The Canadian Press)

Winnipeg Jets head coach Rick Bowness has the team off to its best start since the club relocated to Winnipeg in 2011. (John Woods / The Canadian Press)

Concealing COVID-19 data adds to public health threat

Dan Lett 5 minute read Monday, Jan. 9, 2023

You could call it the great COVID-19 coverup.

The Progressive Conservative government of Manitoba is currently involved in a pretty sloppy attempt to conceal the inescapable fact that COVID-19 continues to present an existential threat to the people who live in this province.

Find something to be grateful for every day

Shelley Cook 4 minute read Monday, Jan. 9, 2023

I started using an app to track the best parts of my day.