12 Days of Christmas Cookies

Day 8: Irmie’s Honey Spice Drops, 1975

Eva Wasney 3 minute read Monday, Dec. 19, 2022

Are holiday cookie parties still a thing? Because, as Free Press food writer Evelyn Larson attests in 1975, they sound like a great way to reduce time spent baking while increasing the variety of said baking.


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Divinity fudge answers prayers for those with a sweet tooth

Eva Wasney 2 minute read Preview

Divinity fudge answers prayers for those with a sweet tooth

Eva Wasney 2 minute read Friday, Dec. 16, 2022

Divinity fudge? More like a sticky, marshmallowy nightmare. I’m not sure the task of cleaning rock hard egg whites and syrup from the beaters of my mixer was worth the pretty, but cloyingly sweet results of this recipe (which I had to make twice because the first batch was too runny to cut).

Friday, Dec. 16, 2022

This marshmallowy fudge recipe from 1956 is nice to look at, but a mess to make. (Photo by Eva Wasney)

This marshmallowy fudge recipe from 1956 is nice to look at, but a mess to make. (Photo by Eva Wasney)

Day 4: Cranberry meringue pie

Eva Wasney 4 minute read Preview

Day 4: Cranberry meringue pie

Eva Wasney 4 minute read Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022

Cranberry propaganda was having a heyday 100 years ago. In 1922, the pages of the Free Press were littered with advertisements for the tart red berries, with promotions ramping up, understandably, around the holiday season.

Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022

Eva Wasney / Winnipeg Free Press

This cranberry meringue pie recipe was published in 1922.

Eva Wasney / Winnipeg Free Press
                                This cranberry meringue pie recipe was published in 1922.

Homemade holidays: 12 days of vintage sweets

4 minute read Preview

Homemade holidays: 12 days of vintage sweets

4 minute read Friday, Dec. 23, 2022

To cap off the Free Press’s anniversary year, we’re plumbing the archives for holiday recipes of yore. Follow along until Dec. 23 for a sampling of the sweet, strange and trendy desserts to grace our pages and your tables over the last 150 years.

Friday, Dec. 23, 2022

This marshmallowy fudge recipe from 1956 is nice to look at, but a mess to make. (Photo by Eva Wasney)

This marshmallowy fudge recipe from 1956 is nice to look at, but a mess to make. (Photo by Eva Wasney)

Day 3: Cocoanut caramels deliver a sweet and simple tropical treat

Eva Wasney 3 minute read Preview

Day 3: Cocoanut caramels deliver a sweet and simple tropical treat

Eva Wasney 3 minute read Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2022

With lightly browned sugar, lemon extract and coconut — or rather cocoanut, as per the original recipe — these sweet and simple treats are decidedly tropical.

Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2022

This Cocoanut Caramels recipe ran during the holidays in 1909. (Eva Wasney / Winnipeg Free Press)

This Cocoanut Caramels recipe ran during the holidays in 1909. (Eva Wasney / Winnipeg Free Press)

Day 1: Fruitcake recipe fit for a queen

Eva Wasney 7 minute read Preview

Day 1: Fruitcake recipe fit for a queen

Eva Wasney 7 minute read Friday, Dec. 9, 2022

Have you heard the one about monkey soup? How about sailing through the Canary Islands? Or the time a family member swiped the recipe for Queen Victoria’s wedding cake from the castle kitchen?

Friday, Dec. 9, 2022


The Murrell family fruitcake has served as a Christmas and wedding tradition over the years.

                                The Murrell family fruitcake has served as a Christmas and wedding tradition over the years.

Tried-and-tested recipe adds to the festive moment

Alan Small 4 minute read Preview

Tried-and-tested recipe adds to the festive moment

Alan Small 4 minute read Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2021

Some people need to find that elusive Christmas spirit before they get into the mood for baking holiday treats.

For Winnipeg home baker Lynne Stefanchuk, the weather has to take a wintry turn for her to turn on her oven. Beyond the white Christmas feelings, she has practical reasons.

“I start baking at the beginning of December, or whenever it gets cold enough to start using my balcony as an extra freezer,” she says. “My family and I decided a few years back to stop buying gifts for each other so my holiday shopping is minimal and I have some free time to bake. Baking is one of my favourite creative outlets.”

Stefanchuk provides Gingerbread Cookies for the final recipe in the Free Press’s 12 Days of Christmas Cookies for 2021. It’s a recipe she found on John Kanell’s website Preppy Kitchen (preppykitchen.com/gingerbread-men).

Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2021

The Gingerbread Cookies are good on their own, but consider stacking larger-to-smaller shapes to make trees, then decorate with more icing.

The Gingerbread Cookies are good on their own, but consider stacking larger-to-smaller shapes to make trees, then decorate with more icing.

MLA’s tasty antidote to both holiday and workday stress

Alan Small 4 minute read Preview

MLA’s tasty antidote to both holiday and workday stress

Alan Small 4 minute read Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2021

No matter what politics you lean toward, there is no debate that Nahanni Fontaine can bake.

The MLA for the Winnipeg riding of St. Johns often turns up the political heat at the Manitoba legislature from her place on the NDP’s Opposition benches.

At home its her oven that gets cranked up, and her baking results have become part of the public record, thanks to the videos and photos of cakes, muffins, scones and cookies she’s posted on her Instagram account.

While Fontaine shares White Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Cookies with Free Press readers for the 12 Days of Christmas Cookies, it’s worth checking out her video of making a six-tiered birthday cake that begins with an empty plate but winds up as a blue-frosted delight.

Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2021

When she’s not at work as the MLA for St. Johns, Nahanni Fontaine is baking cakes or large batches of, for example, her White Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Cookie.

When she’s not at work as the MLA for St. Johns, Nahanni Fontaine is baking cakes or large batches of, for example, her White Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Cookie.

Monster cookies perfect for Cookie Monsters

Alan Small 3 minute read Preview

Monster cookies perfect for Cookie Monsters

Alan Small 3 minute read Monday, Dec. 20, 2021

When Louise Yurchak had a Christmas problem 25 years ago, she ended up creating a monster.

Monster Cookies that is, and her creations have lived on for years, just like Dr. Frankenstein’s invention, or perhaps more fittingly, Cookie Monster of Sesame Street fame.

Her recipe is today’s entry for the Free Press’s 12 Days of Christmas Cookies, and it’s easy to imagine the blue-haired Muppet gobbling up her combination of peanut butter, chocolate chips, oatmeal and Smarties.

Fussy grandchildren were behind Yurchak’s recipe, which she adapted from a recipe she saw at the old Scoop ‘n’ Weigh bulk-foods store in River Heights, where her family has lived since 1969.

Monday, Dec. 20, 2021

Chocolate Macaroons (Haystacks)

Alan Small 3 minute read Preview

Chocolate Macaroons (Haystacks)

Alan Small 3 minute read Monday, Dec. 20, 2021

Cellist Arlene Dahl has been able to string a few Christmas baking sessions together in between holiday concerts and a performance of Handel’s Messiah.

The Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra member, along with several others in the troupe, including concertmaster Gwen Hoebig, principal bassoon Katie Brooks, and violinists Julie Savard, Elation Pauls and Sonia Lazar spent the early weeks of the COVID-19 shutdown in 2020 honing their cooking and baking techniques. They shared their results during video chats on Zoom, which proved to be more than just an online baking party.

The orchestra is a team, and they needed to maintain their teamwork when they couldn’t perform onstage together.

“It was a way to stay connected when we couldn’t get together,” she says. “Then we’d show the results and analyze why something didn’t work.”

Monday, Dec. 20, 2021

For her Chocolate Macaroons recipe,the WSO’s Arlene Dahl suggests investingin good chocolate.

For her Chocolate Macaroons recipe,the WSO’s Arlene Dahl suggests investingin good chocolate.

12 days of Christmas cookies: Frosted family favourites feature double dose of eggnog

Eva Wasney 4 minute read Preview

12 days of Christmas cookies: Frosted family favourites feature double dose of eggnog

Eva Wasney 4 minute read Saturday, Dec. 18, 2021

Eggnog is an unabashedly festive treat. And unlike its pumpkin-spiced cousin, the beverage has, thus far, avoided becoming a seasonal meme.

For Byanka Holder, there can never be too much eggnog — especially with three young kids at home.

“They’ve discovered that they like it too,” she says. “So they just help themselves.”

As soon as ‘nog hits the grocery store shelves, Holder makes a point of stocking up. It’s perhaps no surprise that eggnog cookies have become a family favourite. The recipe was an internet find that’s worked its way into annual rotation.

Saturday, Dec. 18, 2021

Eva Wasney photo
These light and fluffy cookies include eggnog in the batter and the icing.

Eva Wasney photo
These light and fluffy cookies include eggnog in the batter and the icing.

12 Days of Christmas cookies: Part cookie, part brownie, all decadent deliciousness

Eva Wasney 5 minute read Preview

12 Days of Christmas cookies: Part cookie, part brownie, all decadent deliciousness

Eva Wasney 5 minute read Friday, Dec. 17, 2021

Chocolate is Austin Granados’ bread and butter. Until recently, the pastry chef and co-owner of Cake-ology was living abroad learning everything he could about the dessert industry and cacao-based treats.

“I love chocolate,” he says. “I’ve actually competed in chocolate competitions and we’d make sculptures that were, like, a metre high. I want to incorporate chocolate into more things moving forward… and eventually blending my own kind down the road.”

Born and raised in Winnipeg, Granados moved to Vancouver for culinary school and spent time baking in New York (under the creator of the cronut) and Hong Kong before travelling to Denmark for a stint at Noma — a three-Michelin-star Nordic eatery that was recently named the world’s best restaurant for 2021.

After so much time away, he’s happy to be home.

Friday, Dec. 17, 2021

Granados’ chocolate cookie brownies combine the best of both desserts.

Granados’ chocolate cookie brownies combine the best of both desserts.

12 Days of Christmas Cookies: Hazel Nut Lemon Shortbread Bars

Alan Small 4 minute read Preview

12 Days of Christmas Cookies: Hazel Nut Lemon Shortbread Bars

Alan Small 4 minute read Thursday, Dec. 16, 2021

Today’s recipe for the 12 Days of Christmas Cookies comes directly from the kitchen of a member of the Order of Manitoba.

Doris Mae Oulton was inducted into the order on May 12 after years of advocating for women’s rights and building community organizations.

She helped found and remains the chairwoman of the Nellie McClung Foundation and has the same post with the Canadian Federation of University Women Charitable Trust.

She is also former assistant deputy minister of the Manitoba Women’s Directorate.

Thursday, Dec. 16, 2021

RUTH BONNEVILLE / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS ENT cookie photo Doris Mae Oulton at home with a tray of her Lemon, hazelnut, shortbread Christmas Cookies. Doris Mae Oulton, and she’s been a lifelong community activist, especially for women’s issues. She was an assistant deputy minister for some time, and earlier this year, she was named to the Order of Manitoba. She remains the chair of the Nellie McClung Foundation. Despite all the accomplishments, she’s just as proud of her baking at this time of year. See Alan’s story. Dec 14th, 2021

RUTH BONNEVILLE / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS ENT cookie photo Doris Mae Oulton at home with a tray of her Lemon, hazelnut, shortbread Christmas Cookies. Doris Mae Oulton, and she’s been a lifelong community activist, especially for women’s issues. She was an assistant deputy minister for some time, and earlier this year, she was named to the Order of Manitoba. She remains the chair of the Nellie McClung Foundation. Despite all the accomplishments, she’s just as proud of her baking at this time of year. See Alan’s story. Dec 14th, 2021

12 Days of Christmas Cookies: Keto shortbread a sugar-free, low-carb Christmas treat

Alan Small 4 minute read Preview

12 Days of Christmas Cookies: Keto shortbread a sugar-free, low-carb Christmas treat

Alan Small 4 minute read Wednesday, Dec. 15, 2021

At first glance, the low-carbohydrate regimen of a ketogenic diet should be at odds with the sweet and doughy treats of the holiday season.

Not so, says baker Anna May Van Dyke, who has followed a keto lifestyle for 20 years and has run a keto-focused shop, Anna May’s Keto Treats Bakery, for the past three. After two years in the Polo Park area, she moved the bakery in 2020 to 15 Dodds Rd., in Headingley, just off Portage Avenue.

The keto diet reduces carbs by focusing on meat, fish, eggs, dairy and vegetables. Sugary, starchy foods are off-limits, meaning most holiday baking requires a fair bit of modification.

Van Dyke came across her recipe for the Free Press’s 12 Days of Christmas Cookies, Keto Shortbread Cookies, two years ago. It follows the traditional shortbread-making process but replaces sugar with a sweetener that mixes stevia and erythritol, and uses almond flour instead of wheat flour.

Wednesday, Dec. 15, 2021

A vegan version of chocolate Christmas crinkle cookies

Eva Wasney 4 minute read Preview

A vegan version of chocolate Christmas crinkle cookies

Eva Wasney 4 minute read Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2021

For many people, cooking has become a newfound pandemic pastime. For Jessalyn Willems and Leah Brickwood, cooking together has been a highlight of the last two years.

During lockdowns, the future sisters-in-law would swap recipes via text or FaceTime and would get together for home cooked dinners when restrictions allowed.

“It was a great way to stay connected with something that we like to do,” Brickwood says. “And the ideas just kept pouring in and we thought we’d put it out there for everybody else to see.”

Earlier this year, the pair launched a food blog, Hint of Garlic, to share some of their experiments in the kitchen. Brickwood follows a plant-based diet and Willems is plant-curious, as such, the majority of their recipes are vegan or vegetarian, as well as being nut-free.

Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2021

JESSICA LEE / WINNIPEG FREE PRESSJessalyn Willems (left) and Leah Brickwood share their experiences from the kitchen on the food blog, Hint of Garlic, with a focus on vegan and vegetarian recipes.

JESSICA LEE / WINNIPEG FREE PRESSJessalyn Willems (left) and Leah Brickwood share their experiences from the kitchen on the food blog, Hint of Garlic, with a focus on vegan and vegetarian recipes.

Attention is key ingredient for superior shortbread

Eva Wasney 5 minute read Preview

Attention is key ingredient for superior shortbread

Eva Wasney 5 minute read Monday, Dec. 13, 2021

Tanner Davies’ shortbread recipe comes with a dash of controversy.

“I add an egg yolk, which is controversial in the shortbread world,” he says with a laugh. “I just did it one day and I was looking it up after and there’s like forums of people online complaining about this, saying, ‘It’s a great cookie, but you can’t call it a shortbread.’”

Davies, a competitor on Season 4 of The Great Canadian Baking Show, politely disagrees. His understanding of shortbread is defined by a specific two-to-one ratio of flour to butter; besides, the yolk certainly doesn’t hurt.

“I always try to cram as much fat into my baking as possible in different ways and egg yolk is usually a good way to do that,” he says. “I think it gives it a nicer, more full flavour and a nice crumbly texture.”

Monday, Dec. 13, 2021

Photo by Tanner Davies
Cranberry and orange shortbread cookies baked by Tanner Davies, a contestant on Season 4 of The Great Canadian Baking Show.

Photo by Tanner Davies
Cranberry and orange shortbread cookies baked by Tanner Davies, a contestant on Season 4 of The Great Canadian Baking Show.