Share your Free Press story

We want to hear from readers like you about your connection to the Free Press and what this newspaper means to you.

Every reader has their own story, their own reasons for turning to the Free Press. As part of our 150th anniversary, we want to shine a spotlight on those who we serve with our journalism.

Please take a few minutes to tell us about your experience with the Free Press. What you love about your newspaper. What it means to you. A time when the Free Press helped you or served an important role in your life. A time when you, your friends, your family or community appeared on our pages. Why you believe the Free Press matters to this city and province.

As we near our anniversary date of Nov. 30, we will share your stories with our audience both online and in print.


Note: All fields marked “Required” are mandatory. By submitting a story, you agree the Winnipeg Free Press may publish it in our print edition, websites, apps, social media or elsewhere for purposes of information, education, promotion or advertising.