Media Kit

Meet your new marketing partners.

We are a full-service agency and we're here to create the best-in-class campaigns to achieve overall growth for your company.

Who Consumes The Free Press?

1.15 million users visit The Free Press' network of sites each month1. In Winnipeg, 439,000 adults read the Free Press in print or digital format each week2. Our web and print products are consumed more than any other newspaper in Manitoba.

1Google Analytics 2022 monthly average from January-June 2022; The Free Press Network
2Vividata Fall 2022 Study; Winnipeg adults

Our Services

Read us for award-winning journalism… partner with us for cutting-edge services. Free Press Advertising – always evolving.

Print Campaigns

Marketing Strategists

Social Campaigns

Advertising on

Website Development

Video Campaigns

Search & Display Campaigns

In-House Design Experts

Digital Advertising Specialists

Content Creators

Print Advertising

Sponsored Content:

Promote your business by sharing your story through an editorial-style feature in the Free Press.

Commercial Printing:

Our in-house team will create and print flyers, banners, posters, booklets and more.

Flyer Distribution:

Our carriers deliver your flyer to our home delivery subscribers as well as non-subscriber households – reaching more than 230,000 homes weekly.

Front Page Notes:

Affix a removable note with your message to the front page of the newspaper.

Print & Digital Advertising Specialty Products:

Share your message in our publications. Throughout the year, established magazines, unique supplements and custom features are delivered to 230,000 homes. These publications remain available for digital/mobile views for a year.

Digital Advertising

Display Advertising:

Reach your audience on our highly-ranked site and direct your message to 3rd party sites using strategic retargeting.

Home Page Takeovers:

Expanded visibility of your ad campaign on the front page of Blanket our home page for a day with time relevant advertising to reach hundreds of thousands of readers in a single day.

Email Blasts:

Reach up to 60,000 people who registered their email address and consented to receive email from The Free Press.

Social Media Marketing:

Digital social strategies to build an audience and gain loyal followers by advertising with key partners including Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

Video Production:

Custom video productions for targeted ads on social platforms to inform, entertain and educate potential customers.

All of our agency services are done in-house, ensuring cutting-edge campaigns created locally.

Audience Engagement

Thee Free Press Readership

Base: 699,000 Winnipeg Adults
Source: Vividata Fall 2022 study

Base: Adults in Canadian markets with population 500,000+; English newspaper readership
Source: Vividata Fall 2022 study

Demographic Profile

The Free Press Readership

Source: Vividata Fall 2022 study

High Impact Print Options

2-Page & 4-Page Wraps

Be seen first! Wrap your message around the Free Press.

2-Page Wrap

Includes a front page and page 2.

4-Page Wrap

Includes a front page, an inside spread that wraps around section, and a back cover.

Sponsored Content

Your story told your way.

Supply your advertisement and editorial-style story, or partner with our creative content team to craft them for you. Either way, your message will stand out.

Sponsored content performs well in print and digital.

Amplify your message – include our social media options.

Online stories send domain authority

A link to your site tells Google to rank you higher in search results.

Enhance your content marketing strategy

Today's marketers know that content is king. An engaging article provides more opportunity to tell your whole story, and turn customers into fans.

Broadcast your message

Enhance your sponsored content by promoting it on social media, and give users a reason to discover you.

Creative Print Executions

Share your message with a variety of unique print offerings. This is just a sampling, contact your Free Press sales representative for more options.

Front Page Notes

Stick your message on the front of the Free Press.

Flex Form Advertising

Grab readers' attention with a flex form ad that uses the page in a creative way.

Newspaper Sections


Section A
  • Top News
  • Manitoba
  • Canada News
  • World News
  • Editorials
City & Business
  • Local News
  • Monday Business
  • Commercial Real Estate
  • Business Calendar
  • Manitoba Movers
Arts & Life
  • Life/Health
  • The Scene
  • T.V. Index
  • Personals
  • Comics
  • Diversions
  • Miss Lonelyhearts
  • Sports Record
  • Local Scene
  • Family Notices
  • Classified Marketplace
  • Class. Home & Biz Dir.


Section A
  • Top News
  • Manitoba
  • Canada News
  • World News
  • Editorials
City & Business
  • Local News
  • Business
  • FP Markets
Arts & Life
  • Life/Health
  • The Scene
  • T.V. Index
  • Pet Page
  • Gardening
  • Comics
  • Diversions
  • Miss Lonelyhearts
  • Sports Record
  • Local Scene
  • Family Notices
  • Classified Marketplace
  • Class. Home & Biz Dir.


Section A
  • Top News
  • Manitoba
  • Canada News
  • World News
  • Editorials
City & Business
  • Local News
  • Business
  • FP Markets
Arts & Life
  • Life/Food
  • The Scene
  • Food
  • Comics
  • Diversions
  • Miss Lonelyhearts
  • Sports Record
  • T.V. Index
  • Local Scene
  • Family Notices
  • Classified Marketplace
  • Class. Home & Biz Dir.


Section A
There are 2 on Thursday
  • Top News
  • Manitoba
  • Canada News
  • World News
  • Editorials
City & Business
  • Local News
  • Business
  • FP Markets
  • Sports Record
  • Local Scene
  • Weedly Ent. Section
  • What's Up this weekend
  • Restaurant Reviews
  • Comics & Diversions
  • T.V. Index & Movie Listings
  • Miss Lonelyhearts


Section A
There are 2 on Friday
  • Top News
  • Growing
  • Manitoba
  • Older Listings
  • Editorials
  • Health
  • Community
  • World
  • Billboard
  • World News
  • Canada News
City & Business
  • Local News
  • Marketplace
  • Business
  • FP Markets
  • Family Notices
  • Classified
  • Class. Home & Biz Dir.
  • Real Estate Listings
Arts & Life
  • Movies
  • The Scene
  • T.V. Index
  • Comics
  • Diversions
  • Miss Lonelyhearts
  • Sports Record
  • Local Scene

Saturday Edition

Section A
There are 2 on Saturday
  • Top News
  • Manitoba
  • Canada News
  • Editorials
  • World News
  • A Life's Story
  • Obituaries
  • In Memoriams
City & Business
  • City News
  • Saturday Business
  • FP Markets
  • Money Matters
  • Careers
  • Marketplace & Jobs
Weekend Review
  • Books
  • Entertainment
  • T.V. Index
  • Weather Page
  • Sports Record
  • Local Scene
  • Saturday Sports Special
  • A section that features everything from food, faith and fashion, to the pulse of Winnipeg.
Saturday Life
  • Entertainment
  • Movie Reviews
  • New Music Reviews
  • Family Notices
  • Social Page
  • New Homes
  • Weekly Sold Feature
  • Real Estate Picture
  • Listings
  • HomeStyle
Destinations & Diversions
  • Travel
  • Weekend Comics
  • Puzzles

Print Ad Sizes 2022

Many other ad sizes available upon request.

High Impact Digital Advertising

Home Page Takeover

Make a strong branding statement with your ad by using the margins of the web page as well as the billboard, big box, leaderboard and tall box ad positions.




250 kb (jpg or gif)
250 kb (HTML 5)
Units available on article pages




150 kb (jpg or gif)
200 kb (HTML 5)
Ad units available on every page




250 kb (jpg or gif)
250 kb (HTML 5)
Ad units available on every page




75 kb (jpg or gif)
150 kb (HTML 5)
Ad units available on every page




150 kb (jpg or gif)
150 kb (HTML 5)
Ad units available on every page

The Free Press network receives 1.15 million users a month who view 8 million pages.*

*Source: Google Analytics – monthly average from January-June 2022
Mobile Website Ad Units


Located at the top of the page


Sits above website content hugging the bottom of the screen


Appears in the middle of a story


Appears on the website landing pages


Appears on almost the entire mobile screen
In-Stream Video Ads

Video Ad Specifications:

Two components are needed for video ads. The static background graphic (jpg or gif) and a YouTube video link. Room should be left anywhere in the ad for the video. The final ad will be compiled by The Free press.

Note: All videos will begin mute with volume controls. The reader has the option to click for sound.


Billboard and Big Box


YouTube hosted


Recommended maximum 1 minute


300 pixels




300 pixels

Examples of static backgrounds with room provided for video.

Share your message with a variety of unique digital offerings.
This is just a sampling; contact your Free Press sales representative for more options.

Digital Marketing Services

Social Media Marketing

Engage and grow your target audience by placing messages in their Facebook, Instagram and Twitter newsfeeds as well as display ads on their home page. Place pre-roll ads on YouTube videos watched by your target audience. Target by interests, behaviours, and demographics.

Programmatic Display Advertising

  • Reach your audience on third party websites using standard display and video ads
  • Retarget your website visitors to draw them back to your site once they have left
  • Target audience behaviours, categories, and demographics across multiple ad exchanges
  • Track conversions and extended metrics such as view-throughs

Search Engine Marketing

  • Reach customers actively searching for products or services you provide
  • Target your pay-per-click campaign on Google
  • Optimize your website to rank highly in search engine organic results
  • Receive standard ongoing optimizations and full-service campaign management

Results Tracking

  • Track results across display, search and social media campaigns using a web-based dashboard
  • Receive third party research and insights to support campaign success

Email Advertising

The Free Press distributes multiple newsletters focused on many different interests, each providing a great opportunity for your ad to be seen by a captive audience.


A weekly review of the Winnipeg arts scene.

  • Sent every Thursday
  • 3,000 subscribers
  • Open rate: 68%
Community Calendar

Featuring community news and events.

  • Sent every Monday
  • 1,700 subscribers
  • Open rate: 65%
Dan Lett | Not for Attribution

A weekly look at politics close to home and around the world.

  • Sent every Tuesday
  • 3,400 subscribers
  • Open rate: 71%

The latest on food and drink in Winnipeg and beyond from arts writers Ben Sigurdson and Eva Wasney.

  • Sent every other Friday
  • 3,900 subscribers
  • Open rate: 59%
Head Start

A quick glance at the news for the upcoming day.

  • Sent every weekday morning
  • 4,600 subscribers
  • Open rate: 60%
Jason Bell | Behind the Bench

Covers play on the ice, field, court and between.

  • Sent every Tuesday and Friday
  • 3,500 subscribers
  • Open rate: 64%
Jen Zoratti | Next

A weekly look towards a post-pandemic future.

  • Sent every Wednesday
  • 22,000 subscribers
  • Open rate: 70%
Mike McIntyre | On Sports

Keep up to date on sports with Mike McIntyre.

  • Sent every Thursday
  • 11,500 subscribers
  • Open rate: 62%
Puzzles and other Diversions

A daily dose of fun: crosswords, sudokus, horoscopes and Miss Lonelyhearts all in one email.

  • Sent every morning
  • 2,100 subscribers
  • Open rate: 57%
Ready, Pet, Go!

Leesa Dahl looks at everything to do with our furry, fuzzy, feathered, fishy (and more!) pet friends.

  • Sent every Monday
  • 10,500 subscribers
  • Open rate: 53%
Recommended Reads

The most popular stories on our site and Melissa Martin’s Week in Review on Friday.

  • Sent every Monday, Wednesday and Friday
  • 32,200 subscribers
  • Open rate: 51%

A review of funny, uplifting news.

  • Sent every Wednesday
  • 2,900 subscribers
  • Open rate: 59%

Available newsletters and dates sent are subject to change. Number of newsletter subscribers and open rates may fluctuate.

Niche Products

The Free Press distributes approximately 100 supplements each year about different industries and events.

Advertising opportunities are available within most of these scheduled supplements or you can partner with The Free Press to create a unique publication.

For rate and publication date information, please contact your sales representative or call (204) 697-7122.

Flyer Distribution & Commercial Print Services

Flyer Distribution Offers:

Subscriber circulation

  • Wednesday and Thursday distributed in home delivered subscription – machine inserted
  • FSA distribution and rural truck runs

Extended Market Coverage (EMC)

  • Non-subscriber distribution Wednesday and Friday
  • FSA distribution
  • Quality controlled through phone and visual audits as well as colour coded bundles


  • Paid circulation of The Free Press is invited into the home both in Winnipeg and rural areas as well as through single copy sales
  • Inserted product does not need to be bundled
  • EMC every Wednesday and Friday allows you to reach every house not covered by the Free Press
  • All flyers are pre-inserted in the Wednesday and Friday EMC jacket before it reaches the carrier – all inserts are free standing and in their original condition

Commercial Printing Services

The Free Press and Derksen Printers provide a full range of printing capabilities – from design and prepress production to printing the completed product.

We not only offer both sheet fed and web printing services on a variety of papers including gloss coated, but can also fold, stitch, perfect bind, die cut and UV coat your product.

We have the capability for short-run quick printing, including large-format banners and posters in paper or vinyl as well as flyers and booklets.

Our complete printing services, along with our distribution capabilities, make us a one stop solution.

For more information, please contact your sales representative, or call (204) 697-7122.

Contact us today
to learn how we can grow your business

Or, call us directly
Phone: 204-697-7122