Mikaela MacKenzie

Mikaela MacKenzie


Mikaela MacKenzie loves meeting people, experiencing new things, and learning something every day. That’s what drove her to pursue a career as a visual journalist — photographers get a hands-on, boots-on-the-ground look at the world.

Sharing stories through the lens inspires her. After graduating from the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, Mikaela interned at the Free Press before spending some time abroad travelling and in Toronto as a videographer for Rogers publications.

When an opportunity arose at the Free Press, she was thrilled to come back to the prairie newsroom.

Mikaela quickly made her mark, winning an EPPY for best sports video and an NPAC award for best single multimedia project within her first year at the Free Press.

She thinks it’s a pretty fantastic job to have, which is why you’ll almost always see her with a smile on her face and a camera in hand.

Recent articles by Mikaela MacKenzie