Shane Minkin

Business Editor; Managing Editor, production

Born with ink in his veins at the old Misericordia Hospital, Shane’s been at the Free Press long enough to remember when the paper was delivered by actual paperboys (and girls) in the afternoon.

He also fondly remembers the Grand Old Lady on Carlton Street, where he started his journalism career as a cub reporter during a time when writers and editors used typewriters, rotary phones and not only smoked at their desks but kept a bottle of hooch in the bottom drawer.

Those were also the days of the earliest newsroom computers and it would be more than a decade before the Freep transitioned from cold type to digital publishing.

In the course of over three decades at the Free Press, Shane has covered news stories on every beat (cops, courts, city hall, legislature, general assignment) and for every section (Arts &Life, Entertainment, Travel, Sports, Leisure and Tempo — for you old-timers).

Moving to the copy desk in the ‘90s, he has worked in all aspects of production, becoming Day Editor around the turn of the century. Shane was promoted to Arts & Life and Entertainment Editor, which he did for the better part of a decade.

Summoned back to the news department, Shane became City and Business Editor in 2012. Returning to manage production in 2020, he remains Business Editor and is convinced that the Interweb is just a passing fad.


Recent articles by Shane Minkin