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Ones to watch: Fascinating newcomers for 2023

Colleen Zacharias 7 minute read Monday, Jan. 9, 2023

Each new year brings gardeners oodles of new plant varieties to consider for our outdoor spaces. Despite the vast number of new annuals and perennials, most are the result of extensive breeding, development, and trialing over a period of several years prior to their introduction to the market. Here are some of the fascinating newcomers to watch for in 2023.


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Luxury and livability in Whyte Ridge

Todd Lewys 5 minute read Preview

Luxury and livability in Whyte Ridge

Todd Lewys 5 minute read Saturday, Jan. 7, 2023

Drive through any neighbourhood in the city, and you can’t help but be struck by how alike many of the homes that line both sides of a street look.

Saturday, Jan. 7, 2023

The home is capped off perfectly by a walk-out lower level with rec room with a games area, media area, wet bar, three-piece bath and fourth bedroom.

The home is capped off perfectly by a walk-out lower level with rec room with a games area, media area, wet bar, three-piece bath and 
fourth bedroom.

Winnipeg Renovation Show on next weekend

Lanny McInnes 3 minute read Preview

Winnipeg Renovation Show on next weekend

Lanny McInnes 3 minute read Saturday, Jan. 7, 2023

Home renovations are big business in Manitoba and Manitoba Home Builders’ Association renovator members are excited to once again be part of the 2023 Winnipeg Renovation Show, taking place from January 13 to 15 at the RBC Convention Centre. The Winnipeg Renovation Show traditionally kicks off the new year for home renovations and provides consumers with the chance to visit hundreds of renovation suppliers and contractors all under one roof.

Saturday, Jan. 7, 2023

Ruth Bonneville / Winnipeg Free Press files

The Winnipeg Renovation Show is on next weekend at the RBC Convention Centre.

Ruth Bonneville / Winnipeg Free Press files
                                The Winnipeg Renovation Show is on next weekend at the RBC Convention Centre.

Stylish and sophisticated in Sage Creek

Todd Lewys 5 minute read Preview

Stylish and sophisticated in Sage Creek

Todd Lewys 5 minute read Saturday, Jan. 7, 2023

No matter what street in the city you walk or drive down, there’s always one home that stands out from the rest.

Saturday, Jan. 7, 2023

The three-bedroom Astoria is a breath of fresh air, seamlessly combining classic and modern styling in one functional, family-friendly package.

The three-bedroom Astoria is a breath of fresh air, seamlessly combining classic and modern styling in one functional, family-friendly package.

Freeze leftover cookies to preserve the goodness

Reena Nerbas 4 minute read Saturday, Jan. 7, 2023

Question: I have a lot of leftover Christmas cookies, how can I prevent them from becoming freezer burnt in the freezer?

Sticking with what’s familiar goes a long way

Marc LaBossiere 5 minute read Preview

Sticking with what’s familiar goes a long way

Marc LaBossiere 5 minute read Saturday, Jan. 7, 2023

All along, the homeowner had heeded my advice to reposition, reorient and enlarge the shower stall for an impending main floor bathroom remodel. During demolition, it soon became clear that our intended design layout may fall short of expectations. As such, a quick revisit of the design revealed that an enhancement of the existing may better suit. Luckily, this spontaneous decision did prove to be the best route to take.

Saturday, Jan. 7, 2023

Photos by Marc LaBossiere / Winnipeg Free Press

A corner shower stall with rounded base and sliding glass shower door replaces the old unit, which was grungy and dated

Photos by Marc LaBossiere / Winnipeg Free Press
                                A corner shower stall with rounded base and sliding glass shower door replaces the old unit, which was grungy and dated

Keeping plumbing vent clear of ice requires a plan

Ari Marantz 6 minute read Saturday, Jan. 7, 2023

Question: I have been having problems with the top of my stack getting covered in snow this winter. It is six inches tall and I was going to extend it this spring. I was going to add a 12-inch piece to the existing pipe. My concern is that the pipe will freeze with ice if it is too tall. Is there a cut-off height to solve my problem? —Thanks Doug A.

Growing green cities so people and nature can thrive

Colleen Zacharias 7 minute read Preview

Growing green cities so people and nature can thrive

Colleen Zacharias 7 minute read Saturday, Dec. 31, 2022

Growing a climate-resilient future hinges on finding nature-based solutions. With 68 percent of the world population projected to live in cities by 2050, sustainable innovations are needed to make cities greener and more livable so that people, communities, and nature can thrive.

Saturday, Dec. 31, 2022

Rooftop gardens in city centres are relaxing places and space-saving options for growing food.

Rooftop gardens in city centres are relaxing places and space-saving options for growing food.

Luxurious and livable in Bridgwater Trails

Todd Lewys 5 minute read Preview

Luxurious and livable in Bridgwater Trails

Todd Lewys 5 minute read Saturday, Dec. 31, 2022

The difference between a good and great luxury home can be summed up in two words: its location.

Saturday, Dec. 31, 2022

Situated on perhaps the best lot on Rose Lake Court, the 2,112 sq. ft. walk-out bungalow was designed to take advantage of its surroundings.

Situated on perhaps the best lot on Rose Lake Court, the 2,112 sq. ft. walk-out bungalow was designed to take advantage of its surroundings.

Space and style converge in Bonavista

Todd Lewys 5 minute read Preview

Space and style converge in Bonavista

Todd Lewys 5 minute read Saturday, Dec. 31, 2022

When prospective new home buyers see that the listed square footage of a two-storey home comes in at under 1,700 sq. ft., they visualize a home that feels cramped inside.

Saturday, Dec. 31, 2022

Todd Lewys / Winnipeg Free Press

The 1,665 square-foot, two-storey Drake is proof positive that a mid-sized plan can offer exceptional livability and style.

Todd Lewys / Winnipeg Free Press
                                The 1,665 square-foot, two-storey Drake is proof positive that a mid-sized plan can offer exceptional livability and style.

Turkey tips to love those leftovers

Reena Nerbas 4 minute read Saturday, Dec. 31, 2022

Question: I have leftover turkey and I don’t want to waste it. Please tell me how to make homemade turkey stock like my grandma used to make. Thanks. Salome

Nothing clears like a DEERE

Marc LaBossiere 6 minute read Preview

Nothing clears like a DEERE

Marc LaBossiere 6 minute read Saturday, Dec. 31, 2022

There’s no doubt last year’s winter caused problems for many. With the larger than expected accumulation of snow and relentless winds, it seemed as though winter would never end. Here at Boss Ranch, the snow issues were compounded by tractor issues that occurred a couple of weeks into January 2022. And although we were nearing the end of the COVID era, ongoing supply chain issues would render my property defenseless against Mother Nature’s wrath.

Saturday, Dec. 31, 2022

Photos by Marc LaBossiere / Winnipeg Free Press

The John Deere 3-Series 3046R is equipped with a climate-controlled cab, 74-inch rear Frontier snowblower, and 54-inch loader bucket.

Photos by Marc LaBossiere / Winnipeg Free Press
                                The John Deere 3-Series 3046R is equipped with a climate-controlled cab, 74-inch rear Frontier snowblower, and 54-inch loader bucket.

Call installer regarding heat pump concerns

Ari Marantz 6 minute read Saturday, Dec. 31, 2022

Question: I had a new furnace and heat pump installed last spring, now that cold weather is here, the heat pump comes on regularly, but there is a lot of ice forming underneath it. This unit is installed a foot away from the house wall and is 14 inches under the bedroom window, so that when it starts the window fogs up. The ice build-up is about six inches below the bottom of the pump now. How can I keep it from building up so it doesn’t encase the bottom of the heat pump unit?

How to clean greasy kitchen cabinets without damaging the finish

Jeanne Huber 6 minute read Preview

How to clean greasy kitchen cabinets without damaging the finish

Jeanne Huber 6 minute read Saturday, Dec. 31, 2022

Question: How do I clean greasy kitchen cabinets without harming them? Mine are wood veneer and are not painted. I always just wipe them with Murphy Oil Soap, but that doesn’t seem to cut through grease.

Saturday, Dec. 31, 2022

Todd Lewys / Winnipeg Free Press

Special precautions should be taken when cleaning your kitchen cabinets.

Todd Lewys / Winnipeg Free Press
                                Special precautions should be taken when cleaning your kitchen cabinets.

How to keep poinsettias healthy through the holidays and beyond

Nevin Martel 6 minute read Preview

How to keep poinsettias healthy through the holidays and beyond

Nevin Martel 6 minute read Saturday, Dec. 31, 2022

Forget Christmas trees and mistletoe. There’s one plant that rules the holiday season above all others: the Santa-red poinsettia. Before going further, though, let’s clear up the widespread misconception that its brightly colored points are flowers. Nope, they’re bracts (leaves). However, if you look closely, there are tiny, petal-less yellow flowers known as cyathia hiding among the attention-grabbing foliage.

Saturday, Dec. 31, 2022

Patrick Pleul / AP

Simone Rost works among the poinsettias at a greenhouse in Manschnow, Germany.

Patrick Pleul / AP
                                Simone Rost works among the poinsettias at a greenhouse in Manschnow, Germany.

Do the dishes better — and faster

Maya Pottiger 6 minute read Preview

Do the dishes better — and faster

Maya Pottiger 6 minute read Saturday, Dec. 31, 2022

Washing the dishes tends to be something we do on autopilot — we’ve all developed our preferred methods and habits. And yet, if a simple tweak or two to your usual strategy could save you time and labor, you’d probably make them, right?

Saturday, Dec. 31, 2022

Washington Post illustration

Washington Post illustration